Dorothee 原名Frederique Hoschede,1953年7月14日出生于巴黎的远郊区Bourg-La-Reine,热爱文学和戏剧表演的她极早展现了表演的天才,她的歌声纯净自然,虽然没有太多艺术上的显著特色,平淡,歌来似娓娓道来,仿佛邻家可爱的女孩,欲说还羞的歌唱爱情,友情。特别是她为孩子们翻唱了许多优美的传统歌曲,赢得很多孩子与青春期的青年的热爱。大学期间,被大导演Jacqueline Joubert发现,参与演出了第一部黑白电影1973年的Mercredis de la Jeunesse(年轻人的周三),片中开始以DOROTHEE艺名出现。反映年轻人生活的该片大获成功,她主演了两年后的续集Visiteurs du Mercredi (周三的来访者)。随后,她参与演出了10多部电影,比较重要的有L’Amour en fuite (1979)及Pile ou face(1980),重要的一幕发生在1981年,拍完Pile ou face后,她认识了Jean-Luc Azoulay 与 Claude Berda,后两人刚刚注册成立了一家小型的唱片公司AB Productions,其市场对象正是面对年轻人的,双方几乎没费周折,DOROTHEE顺利的成为AB的签约歌手。 她甜美的声线非常适合那些舒缓深情的传统儿歌,因此最早的几只单曲及合辑都是老歌翻唱,良好的市场表现,吸引了大家对她的关注--原来她不但是个偶像演员,还是一名不错的歌手呢。1981年,多数由她填词的专Dorothee au pays des Chansons (DOROTHEE在歌的国度)大获成功,于是她正式将注意力由影坛转向歌坛。从此,80-90年代的法兰西歌坛多了一位美女歌手。
by Jason Ankeny
French singer and actress Dorothée remains a favorite of Generation Xers who continue to revere the series of children's albums she recorded during the early to mid-'80s. Born Frédérique Hoschédé in Paris on July 14, 1953, she was appearing with an amateur theatrical troupe when she captured the attention of French television presenter Jacqueline Joubert. Installed in 1973 as host of the children's showcase Mercredis de la Jeunesse, she adopted the alias Dorothée, serving as the comedic foil of the puppet Blabatus. Dorothée proved enormously popular with the youth audience and in 1975 was named host of Les Visiteurs du Mercredi. Two years later, she received headline billing via Dorothée et Ses Amis, retitled Récré A2 in 1978.
While she also continued pursuing adult roles, even co-starring in François Truffaut's 1979 film L'Amour en Fuite, Dorothée enjoyed her greatest success in children's entertainment. In 1981 she signed a recording deal with AB Productions, and in the years to follow reeled off a string of family-friendly hits, including "Tchou Tchou le Petit Train," "Rox et Rouky," "Hou! La Menteuse," and "Les Schroumpfs." In all, Dorothée recorded 16 albums during 1982 and 1986 alone, selling upwards of 17 million records in all. In 1987, she also signed to star in a new television variety show, Le Club Dorothée. In addition to its comedic sketches and musical numbers, Le Club Dorothée also presented cartoons, among them Japanese anime productions -- the show later became the center of controversy over the violence depicted in these cartoons, and in 1997 the TF1 network pulled the series from the airwaves for good.
In the aftermath of the controversy, Dorothée receded from public view and remains firmly out of the public eye more than a decade later. Her devoted fan base nevertheless continues to grow thanks to home video releases, retrospective specials, and best-of album collections.