歌手 > Kill Emil

Born in Brazil around winter time 1984 then coming to Athens two years late...


Born in Brazil around winter time 1984 then coming to Athens two years later, Kill Emil's whole family was into music and singing so he joined in, started learning guitar next to dad who used to play the bouzouki. In the mean time he started digging into music generally listening to Hip Hop, Rock, Hardcore, anything that sounded good to his ears. Later on along with 2 friends he formed a band called CINEKOD and released two Post Rock albums under that name, while continuing playing as a DJ at different places so he doesn't lose touch with Hip Hop. AND THEN, that was it! He heard Daily Operation from Gangstarr… In the beginning he started closing gigs for some friends that had a Hip Hop/Reggae label called Cast-a-Blast while starting to make his own music. His first release as Kill Emil was on a Cast-a-Blast 12'' vinyl in 2009 entitled "I Can Hear It Now" featuring other artists from the label other than him. Around the same time, in 2009, he met with Billa Qause & J. Melik which introduced him to their other best friend, the MPC. He got into chopping beats on the computer but that wasn't enough. He wanted to "play", so he bought an MPC and started learning how to play with the help of B.Q & Melik. While working on his first album, and after meeting the dynamic duo, they came up with the name 'Pad Trio' and started making music together. That made him better and helped him learn more about music and how to make it. Eventually his first album entitled "The Corner" was finished and released via "BeatQuick" featuring tracks with Billa Qause, J. Melik & Elephant Phinix. His next two EP's, "One Night In Bogota" and "Kill Emil Re-edits" were his experiments on Latin, Reggae, Afro and were released via Bandcamp for FREE download. The "Pad Trio" debut album entitled "Raw Sessions" was released in September 2012 in the form of 300 limited Compact Disc copies and as a free download on Beatquick. His second album entitled ''Risky Business" was released in October of the same year in Compact Disc form and as a free download also from BeatQuick. He has also released tracks in Carnibal Rec., Electric Cowbell, Riddim Fruit, Booty Fruit, The French Touch Connection. In the meantime he have opened and played along with artists such as Quantic And His Combo Barbaro, Thavius Beck, Ondatropica, Andy Smith, Jon Kennedy, Radikal Guru, Barry Ashworth, African Simba, Brother Culture,Aldo Vanucci, Basement Freaks, Timewarp, Gramatik, Wax Tailor, Dub Pistols, Chinese Man, The Herbalizer, Looptroop Rockers and others. Today finds Kill Emil working on his third solo album and other collaborations.