歌手 > Roland Dyens

Roland Dyens (罗兰·迪恩斯)   1955年10月19日出生于法国   官方主页:www....


Roland Dyens (罗兰·迪恩斯)   1955年10月19日出生于法国   官方主页:www.rolanddyens.com   罗兰·迪安斯生于1955年10月19日,9岁起开始学习吉他演奏,是当今世界上著名的吉他演奏家、作曲家、编曲及即席演奏者。   迪恩斯在不断努力成为一名器乐演奏家的同时,一直保持着极大地热情跟随法国作曲家兼指挥家Désiré Dondeyne学习作曲,并曾经获得和声、对位法和评论方面的头等奖。   在其早年获得的荣誉中,包括意大利亚历山大国际比赛中的维拉-罗伯斯奖项,为表彰他的录音Hommage à Villa- Lobos而颁发的AcademieCharles-Cros头等奖。1988年,迪恩斯被法国的Guitarist(吉他手)杂志评选为100位最杰出的吉他演奏家(包括所有风格)。   目前,迪恩斯的演奏和作品在世界范围内受到了好评。的确,他的作品为吉他演奏的可能性带来了新的曙光。由于他独特的天分以及其作品的创新性,使得我们不得不承认迪恩斯是当今最富创新意识的音乐家之一。   目前罗兰·迪恩斯是巴黎Conservatoire National Supérieur音乐学院的教师。 Roland Dyens (born October 19, 1955 in Tunisia) is a French [1] classical guitarist, composer, and arranger. Dyens studied guitar with the Spanish classical guitarist Alberto Ponce and analysis with Désiré Dondeyne. He has won several prizes in competitions for classical guitar performance as well as for composition.[citation needed] As a performer, Dyens is known for his extraordinary capacity for improvisation. Essentially unique among classical guitarists, Dyens frequently opens his concerts with an improvised piece, in order to help him get a feel for the hall and the audience. His guitar music draws on many elements of folk music and jazz, and has become popular with players. Tango en Skaï (1985), is one of his best-known pieces, but also widely played is the more extended Libra Sonatine (1986) written in three movements: "India", "Largo", "Fuoco", composed after Dyens had suffered a heart attack. Skaï is a French slang term for imitation leather, and here references the Gauchos of Argentina and Southern Brazil who are known for their distinctive leather outfits. Hence "Tango en Skaï" is a humorous, gaudy take on the tango. In addition to being the most prolific guitar composer of his generation, Dyens has also released several volumes of arrangements. Ranging from Jazz standards to Brazilian folk music, these arrangements have made their way into the repertoire of both professional and amateur guitarists. Dyens tours extensively and has performed at many music festivals and held master classes at many locations across Europe, the United States and Asia. He currently teaches at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, where he is Professor of Guitar.