歌手 > Angelzoom

Angelzoom是德国当红pop团体X-Perience女主唱Claudia Uhle的个人音乐计划,乐队名...


Angelzoom是德国当红pop团体X-Perience女主唱Claudia Uhle的个人音乐计划,乐队名Angelzoom取自原X-Perience的debut专辑的一首歌名。Claudia出生于音乐世家,有音乐天份(学生时代就担任学校声乐教师)。上帝赋予她一把天籁嗓音,而后天又经过系统训练。会多种乐器。 Angelzoom于2004年推出ep《Fairyland》,其中收录了广受好评的单曲Fairyland。同年在推出其同名大碟时,Claudia 联系过很多厂牌,可是呢,pop厂牌嫌其不入主流,而非主流厂牌又觉得其不够另类,因而都非常谨慎。戏剧性的机遇来自美国恐怖电影《鬼屋魔影》 (Alone in the Dark),Claudia的一首歌“Peace Of Mind”被选入该电影。Nuclear Blast厂牌准备发行该电影的soundtrack,听过这首“Peace Of Mind”后发生了兴趣,将Angelzoom纳入旗下,另行内人士大觉意外。专辑《Angelzoom》的大受好评、Claudia和许多名团如 Apocalyptica、Mila Mar and more以及今年和nightwish的成功合作,肯定了当初Nuclear Blast的决定。 Angelzoom的风格正如前面所提及:很难归类。Electro/ Ambient/ Dark /classical 等元素都含有一点,很多歌曲较soundtrack,甚至有newage味。Angelzoom的音乐多为慢歌,饱含情感和抑郁,有点dream。音乐本身没什么亮点,但令人印象深刻的是Claudia嗓音,这是一把既有天分又受过良好训练嗓子,够choir和歌剧级别。根据Hyperium的发明专利, Angelzoom也可归类为heavenly voices。 Under the name of Angelzoom th singer Claudia Uhle has started a new solo project. With her angel-like voice, which seems to float in dream-pieces, she carries away the listeners in a wonderful world of easiness and depth. Angelzoom is also the music of a film, which has not yet been made, classical, modern and emotionelly. As singer of the pop group " X-perience" she was able to sell European wide two million of sound carriers in recent years. NOTE!!! The X-Perience Time is over - I will say good bye to all my friends and fans all over the world, it was a marvelous time. Thank you for support all these exiting years. See you soon – good luck and stay tuned to the new x-perience and angelzoom music releases.