歌手 > The Great Kat

Born in England, Kat moved to USA at the age of 3. She graduated from the ...


Born in England, Kat moved to USA at the age of 3. She graduated from the famous Juilliard School in New York City as a scholarship student on violin. While most of her late material are covers, up to her second album she played almost exclusively original songs. 解剖TGK(The Great Kat缩写)TGK原名KATHERINE THOMAS,出生在英国斯威顿,3岁时移民美国。她从出生就开始听贝多芬,自幼立志成为音乐的革命者,她7岁开始学习古典钢琴,9岁时开始系统演奏古典小提琴,15岁开始到纽约著名的朱莉亚音乐舞蹈戏剧学院先修部学习,在校期间任JUILLIARD PRE-COLLEGE管弦乐团首席小提琴。后进入学院小提琴专业部,并获全额奖学金。毕业后曾在卡内基音乐厅举行古典小提琴个人演奏音乐会,并且在美国,南美,以及欧洲获得多项国际性艺术成就奖。 TGK 还是个自恋的女人,当她被评为世界上最快吉他手第十名,采访者问及是否对名次有所不满时,她竟口出狂言:能和我并列的名字只有贝多芬,帕格尼尼,莫扎特 ...