歌手 > 山狗大后生

山狗大乐团---山狗大后生乐团 成立于1997年,为最早投入客家音乐创作的表演团体,...


山狗大乐团---山狗大后生乐团 成立于1997年,为最早投入客家音乐创作的表演团体,跨越 20年持续创作表演至今未曾中断,为客家创作音乐表性乐团之 一。 山狗大后生乐团创办人颜志文,是台湾流行乐坛第一位以客语 专辑进入主流平台的音乐人。 个人在友善的狗发行的三张纯客语专辑成了客家现代音乐发展 史上的重要作品,多首歌曲至今仍在国内外不同场合传唱。 2008年,颜志文邀请年轻新秀组成新团体【后生乐团】,由 林钰婷接替创办人颜志文成为新主唱,乐团迈入新世代。 新生代主唱林钰婷拥有劲柔皆宜的优质音色,音乐性和节奏感 敏锐,可驾驭宽广音乐类型,从传统山歌到当代的蓝调爵士都 能得心应手。 因音色甜美口条流利,海陆、四县腔转换自如的优势,她在广 播和电视主持界也表现亮眼。 团名增加了“后生”两字【山狗大后生乐团】,团员皆为新生代 优秀乐手,山狗大蜕变为朝气蓬勃的全新乐团,音乐风格更为 现代而多样。   后生乐团的另一特色是,其他成员多是浸淫爵士乐多年的演奏 好手,后生乐团能诠释宽广的音乐风格,游走于传统和现代, 悠游自在,作为现代客家音乐的旗手,后生正迎风迈向新的领 域。 2023年以<檐风谣>专辑荣获第34届金曲奖最佳客语专辑! 2023&2024年皆入围金曲奖<最佳客语专辑><最佳客语歌手><最佳年度专辑> 创办人&吉他&演唱/颜志文Tommy 团长&主唱&手风琴/林钰婷Rita 音乐总监&钢琴&演唱/刘道文Michael 贝斯/许巽舜Gogo New San-geu-tai Band With a population of around 4 million, the Hakka people make up the second largest ethnic group in Taiwan. During the Chinese music boom in Taiwan (1975 to 1995), however, political restrictions and a limited market meant that Hakka music was hardly heard at all on the island. It was towards the end of this period in 1995, that Berklee College of Music graduate Tommy Yen (class of 1986), having by that time already worked in mainstream music for a number of years, received a call from famous local movie director, Hsiao-Hsien Hou. The latter invited him to work on the soundtrack for Good Men, Good Women, a film which tells the story of a group of Hakka people. This naturally led Yen to create most of the movie’s background music using of a blend of both modern and more traditional Hakka styles. The subsequent success of this soundtrack proved a strong motivation for Yen to help further the development of Hakka music. In 1997, he signed with Friendly Dog Records, becoming the first singer to release a Hakka record in Taiwanese mainstream music circles, and simultaneously establishing the influential Hakka group, the San Geu Tai Band. Apart from competing for a slice of the local music market pie, Yen and his band have simultaneously also spurred on more and more members of the next generation to join the growing ranks of native Hakka artists. In order to attract additional younger fans, Yen recruited a fresh batch of young musicians to join the group in 2008. This marked the birth of the San Geu Tai Youth Band, with lead singer Rita Lin boasting not only an impressive vocal range and creative talents, but also a great feel for both contemporary music and more traditional Hakka folk songs. The themes and lyrics of San Geu Tai’s tracks are mainly inspired by everyday Hakka life, and the strong affection these people have for the land. Style-wise, their works represent a rich fusion of contemporary genres (including folk, blues, rock, and jazz etc.) and more traditional Hakka music and expression. Melodies that make for easy listening, and are equally easy to sing along to, are also favored. All these elements have ensured that the band’s music appeals to a very wide audience spanning several age groups, and is often made use of in national elementary and junior high schools for teaching the Hakka language. Nowadays, Hakka music has already become a notable part of Taiwanese culture, with the pioneering San Geu Tai Band continuing, as it has done for over twenty years, to create and perform, and to serve as the benchmark for Hakka musicians. Though commercially still somewhat of a niche market, Hakka music’s cultural significance is thus growing by the day. *NOTE:Sangeutai (literally: “mountain dog large”) is the Hakka name for Swinhoe’s tree lizard (also known as the Taiwan japalure, and by its Latin name Diploderma swinhonis), a tree-climbing lizard specie entirely unique to Taiwan. The Hakka people share a very special and close bond with this little creature, hence the decision to have a speical Hakka band share its name as well.